Wheelchair Swing

Wheelchair Swing

HOW TO USE OUR WHEELCHAIR SWING Please speak with a member of the team if you require help. To secure a wheelchair: STEP 1 – Check swing is secured to ground anchor point. STEP 2 – Lower the ramp. STEP 3 – Load wheelchair onto cradle of swing, in...
Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig

Our Guinea Pigs The Guinea pigs at Fairfield Animal Centre are a friendly bunch, and can often be seen huddling together and enjoying a little sunbathe. Did you know that baby Guinea pigs are called Pups and a group of Guinea pigs are called a herd! WHAT DO WE EAT?...


Our Rabbits Make sure you come and say hello to our Continental giant rabbit Luna!  In 2009, a Continental giant called Ralph from Sussex made it in to the Guinness World Records as being the heaviest rabbit. He was almost 25Kg (about the weight of a 7-8 year old)....


Our Turkeys We have four Turkeys here at Fairfield Animal Centre. They can often be seen strutting around, making a lot of noise, especially at feeding time! Did you know that they change colour? Well, their heads do at least! You can tell a turkey’s emotions by the...


Our Ferrets We have three Domestic Geese here at Fairfield Animal Centre. You will notice that they get especially noisy when guests get near their fence, and that is because they think it’s feeding time! BABY ANIMALS Did you know that baby Goose is called a...


Our Ponies Here are some facts about our Shetland pony cohort. Harry is a Shetland pony and he is chestnut in colour. He is 9.5 hands high and loves carrots a bit too much! William is a Shetland pony and is skewbald, which means he has a mixture of coloured (in his...


valais sheep Valais sheep are dubbed ‘the cutest sheep in the world’ and are extremely rare in the UK, in 2016 there were only 400. The first Valais sheep arrived in the UK in 2012 after being featured on the BBC’s Country file programme and caught the attention of...


Our Pigs Cookie, Jammy & Oreo are Kunekune (coonie coonie) pigs from New Zealand. The name Kunekune means ‘fat and round’ in Maori. Kunekune have a pair of tassels called piri piri under the chin.  Kunekune are the smallest true breed of pig in the world and are...


Our Goats Here is some information on our resident goats at Fairfield Animal Centre! Make sure you stop by the ticket office to pick up some feed, as they’ll certainly come and say hello! Albert is an Anglo Nubian goat and is quite elderly. He came to the Hope...


Our EmuS Bonnie was hatched in 2013 here at the Fairfield Animal Centre. They can grow to over 6ft in size, but ours measure in at around 5ft 8 inches. BABY ANIMALS Did you know that baby Emu are called Chicks. What they lack in wing size emus make up for with leg...


Our Ducks We have a wide range of ducks here at Fairfield Animal Centre across several ponds. You will see some of the following breeds; Aylesbury Ducks Indian Runner Ducks BABY ANIMALS Did you know that baby Ducks are called Ducklings. CALL DUCKS We have a variety of...


Our Donkeys Here is some information on our resident Donkeys here at Hope Nature Centre!  Dudley was born in 2010 and was original rescued in Ireland before moving to the UK and eventually to us. BABY ANIMALS Did you know that baby Donkeys are called Foals. Denzil was...


Our Chickens You will find a range of Chickens here at Fairfield Animal Centre. You will find;   Pekin – Pekins can have normal smooth feathers, or can be ‘frizzle’. Frizzle birds possess a gene that causes the feathers to curl away from the body giving an...


Our CATTLE At Fairfield Animal Centre, our cattle are Highland cattle. These beautiful long-haired cows are popular due to their cute appearance. However, it’s more than just looks with these delightful creatures. The fluffy thick undercoats help them survive the...


Our Alpaca Here is some information on our resident Alpaca here at Fairfield Animal Centre!  Bob is a Suri (soo-ree) alpaca. He was born in 2011 in Dorset. His colour is fawn, and is the shyest member of our group of Alpaca! Dobby is a Huacuya (wah-coo-yah) alpaca. He...
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