
1st February 2021

Our Alpaca

Here is some information on our resident Alpaca here at Fairfield Animal Centre! 

Bob is a Suri (soo-ree) alpaca. He was born in 2011 in Dorset. His colour is fawn, and is the shyest member of our group of Alpaca!

Dobby is a Huacuya (wah-coo-yah) alpaca. He was born in 2004 in Devon. He is black.

Ant is a Huacuya alpaca. He was born in 2005 in Bristol.  He is white, but has blue eyes, and is also the naughtiest of the group!


Did you know that a group of Alpaca are called a Herd!


Did you know that baby Alpaca are called Cria!

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